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Give the Kids in Your Life a Gift of Adventure.

Can there be a better gift than the spirit of adventure? Toys are a momentary pleasure, but when a child gets a gift that delivers the spirit of adventure, it’s a gift that will last a lifetime. It opens their minds to possibilities and new experiences in the future.

We know that it’s good for kids to regularly get outside and get active; we don’t need a scientist to tell us that, but they have, and it endorses what we know instinctively. Kids are much happier and healthier when they get outside and do stuff.

So, what happens when kids have adventure experiences? It keeps their minds active in a healthier way than gazing at a screen. How many kids do you know that come back in from playing outside and are in a bad mood, disagreeable, and look unhealthy? None. But apply that description to a child that has just spent an hour or more watching the TV or playing on a computer, and it fits every time.

Physical Activity is good for the Body and Sharpens the Mind

Being physically active gives kids growing bodies the exercise they need to grow strong and healthy. For their minds, they get real things to excite and challenge – not on-screen imaginary adventures that they are passively watching rather than being physically involved themselves.

On an activity adventure, they are more in touch with the natural world, giving them a more rounded view of nature and its awesomeness. But, the big advantage of taking part in an adventure activity that no toy or computer game can ever match is the opportunity to experience and learn about risk, a vital life skill.

If you want to encourage a child in your life, be that your child, a grandchild or someone you care about, to become more active and, even, happier then here are a few ideas for you.

Survival Skills

I have personally never met a child who didn’t like camping, especially if it involves a few bush survival skills where they really get involved with the environment. This will help nurture that adventurous spirit and develop a richer appreciation of the natural world and their place in it. They’ll feel like Bear Grylls as they’ll learn some of his skills for survival and lot more besides. This is highly recommended.

Becoming an Action Hero

Watching the imaginary heroes on a screen tackle the bad boys is a mere shadow of the fun they will experience when you give them the opportunity to be the real-life hero themselves. Make it happen with a paintball experience that includes a mate. If you want to send a group of heroes out to play try laser combat. This is an ideal gift for Christmas and a birthday group too.

Bigger Kids

Maybe the kid you have in mind is in their teens – or even older. So, let’s get the adrenalin really pumping with these suggestions. The obvious for an adrenalin-packed activity is bungee jumping. Definitely not for chickens, this is really getting out there and taking adventure to the extreme. If that doesn’t appeal, then how about a snowboarding masterclass? Still not inspired? Can we suggest a quad bike ramble? They’ll really get in touch with nature as they speed across the countryside, and nature will come right back at ‘em with lots of gooey, mud-splattering revenge. Being out in the country is, in itself, invigorating and refreshing experience for the mind and the body. Combining that with one of the most popular leisure activities in the UK and Ireland, namely clay pigeon shooting, makes that experience even better. It’s not up there in the popularity stakes for nothing. The combination of the skill of shooting down clays that come at you at all directions, the competition between shooters, and the day in what is usually fantastic scenery is just some of the reasons. Suitable for kids and adults.

Still Stumped?

Given that there are over 100 activities to choose from on Geronigo® at 2,108 locations in the UK and Ireland, we can’t list them all here. But jump on the Geronigo® website and find the right gift of adventure for your family and friends. While you’re there, book yourself in for a bit of experience too. Everyone needs to go adventuring from time-to-time.