Mud karts, off road karts, dirt karts and buggies are all names for the same activity. Karting off-road or on dirt tracks, in dusty muddy conditions in a big-wheeled kart that has a roll cage.

The power varies from restricted engines for kids up to around 750cc. Not the same experience as go karting at all, with the most powerful of these karts setting your heart racing as they roar from one end of the course to the other. Bends and fast straights are a feature of most tracks, so you can really test your skills as you slide around corners and take on your competitors at frightening speeds on the straight runs. An experience for Adrenalin junkies and Grey haired teenagers alike.

Interesting Facts:
There were lots of homemade off-road karts around in the 60s, but the first commercial kart was the Odyssey from Honda that was released in 1977. The main differences of an off-road go kart to the traditional racing model are a bigger size of tyres and a roll cage-they also look pretty mean too.
The more powerful off-road go karts are powered by petrol- the electric version is environmentally friendly but lacks the power of the petrol driven models.
No smooth rides on an off-road kart, as most tracks are at best pot holed dirt tracks right through to being extremely rough with bone-shaking, muddy ruts, hill climbs and a bit of cross country.
Wear outdoor clothing suitable for the weather, walking boots or old trainers. Waterproofs and an off road buggy safety kit are usually provided – including gloves, helmets and goggles.
You’re going to get wet, muddy or dusty at the very least, so bring a change of footwear and clothing
The adult buggies are fast. Have fun, but don’t drive at speeds that you find hard to handle.