Christmas, Christmas Gifts, Features

Geronigo: Waging War Against Bad Presents!

Now, we all know that Christmas isn’t entirely about presents…but it wouldn’t be good if all the presents we received were bad, would it? Which is why we here at Geronigo are waging war against bad presents!

Let’s be honest for a second here – how many presents are just shoved in a drawer and forgotten about? Chances are, you’ve done exactly that too many times to remember. It works both ways, too. All those gifts you shelled out for? Yep, they’re in drawers.

So, less clutter and more adrenaline! Sound good? Thought so. But that’s easy for us to say. Take this factoid from San Francisco State University, where they recently found that people who spent their money on experiences – rather than material possessions – were happier and believed their money had been better spent. So, basically everybody wins with a gift experience!

Want more proof? Here it is. An actual doctor, who goes by the name of Dr Thomas Gilovich of Cornell University found that life experiences and adventures make a more memorable gift because they play a bigger part in the lift of the recipient.

It shouldn’t have to take academics and doctors to work out that turning clays to dust, handling birds of prey or a supercar driving experience are all way more exciting than a pair or socks or a shower gel set!

Whether you’re buying a Christmas gift for your mate, a loved one, or a work colleague you don’t really know, Geronigo has something for them! Our gift vouchers can be redeemed for any of our activities, so you can wave goodbye to the awkwardness when revealing the Secret Santa gifts in the office!

So, what are you waiting for? Forget buying Christmas clutter, there’s only one gift that’ll stand the test of time – a Geronigo gift voucher!